Friday, June 26, 2020

2020 vision from the future

It's been almost 40 years after that dreadful and momentous year of 2020 for the counter-revolution. I fear I won't see the new age dawning in but here I write as the counter-revolution begins to fight back against the totalitarian menace that has become of the American Republic as The Woke call it. Yes, there is no more Democrat and Republican Parties fighting each other as used to. It's all about The Woke. If you don't think like them, they throw you in a jail cell. But there was a myriad of faithful who saw past the bullying lies of The Woke. They managed to form an underground movement which has somehow been kept alive and as our children repopulate, we are even on the verge of becoming the majority! The Woke was never bright to begin with. They always insisted on having more abortions and birth control and damn near have driven them out of existence. But now, as we come out from the underground and begin to take over the classrooms again, our lives are increasingly in danger. They have murdered two colleagues of mine from alone and imprisoned my own wife. They have taken my 12 children hostage and have hanged the youngest. But nevertheless, the tides are turning in our favor. The Woke is losing power. They are seeing us come out of hiding for a change to challenge them. And we are taking their young and teaching them the traditions we have always held near and dear.

It started in the year 2020. The Woke had been forming astonishingly right underneath our noses. Most didn't see it and the few who did dare not call it out. But those of who did and saw it coming realized The Woke takeover was inevitable. They originally targeted the Democratic Party of old as their joy-ride to power. But they were never satisfied with the direction. They wanted more out of the party that they never got. We were still run by the neo-con Republican Party but they were swiftly losing all power throughout the entire American Republic. It is no longer the United States. Federalism is a thing long since gone. The Woke have increased the power of the Republic to a centralized state. They came after Confederates, then the Founders, then the Monarchs, then the Saints. The few who avoided their massacre realized they could no longer trust Republicans so we bailed and developed an underground movement to preserve what we knew and pass it down to our young. We gathered in other people's garages for our liturgies, we bought all the books that we possibly could for The Woke soon did a mass book burning, we opened up independent publishing outlets that reprinted the works of ancient. Our movement countered The Woke at every twist and turn.

The year 2020 was welcomed by many as a sign of hope and a sign of cheer. But the Democratic Party was being taken in an increasingly left-wing turn toward the Wokist philosophy of such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Many insisted that their ideas would never take power. But I was one of the few who knew much better. I knew the taint that the GOP had. The GOP was the only opposition party to this Woke madness. But the GOP was spineless. Republican statesmen had no desire to slam The Woke for what it was. It was a tiny minority of radicalized, zombified, college-educated brats who had bad relationships with their fathers and walked around like little Hell-demons. But The Woke was getting stronger. Mystifyingly stronger. How could they grasp hold of a once-known centrist like Michael Bloomberg and then Joe Biden and turn them into radical left-wing vampires? No one saw that. Four years prior, a Bernie Sanders Presidency would have been laughable. America wasn't ready for socialism. But now, socialism was at its strongest height in America and we had missed the warning signs. The federalized national bank, the statist healthcare system, social security, affirmative action. The socialist indoctrination of America was already long since in the making. The Woke pushed it to the maximum.

We were only two days into 2020 when the President of the United States (yes, there was once a President, we now only have a legislative branch of government that also enforces and judges laws, made up of over 10,000 politicians elected every six years) ordered the air raid on a very important Iranian official. The world was already panicking about World War III. Nothing could be worse. Then there were locusts sprouting up throughout the Middle East. Some were even ranging a foot in length. The President was already going through a legal battle of his own when an outbreak was crashing toward us from China. First, he downplayed it as a hoax. And many thought it was a hoax too. But then it snuck up into Italy around the beginning of Lent. Many people even suspect the Pope himself may have incidentally and by mistake infected the rest of Italy with it. The Pope had been sick with what seemed to be a flu but never was formally diagnosed with that virus. There was mass hysteria and nationwide panic throughout. People were in such a panicked state that they became willing to do whatever their political leaders told them to do and believe whatever their political leaders told them to believe. The pandemic was a golden opportunity for The Woke to infect us with its virus. It was only a matter of time.

Yes, the viral outbreak of COVID-19 was certainly awful. But no one bothered to actually examine the facts. Well, the few of us in the underground did. We declared it a scamdemic. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, both of which are now disbanded and replaced with The Society to Combat the Virus of Racism, would tell us one thing one day, and another thing the next. They successfully implemented the term "social distancing" into our vocabulary that year and people took the warnings to heart by astounding degree! They decided that Jacques Rousseau, that totalitarian descendant of the menace John Calvin, was correct in his assessment that man only artificially creates social relationships. That man is not a social animal became the norm. This resulted in severed relationships between people throughout the country and the world. The Woke who had once taught severing families as they crossed into our borders illegally was now more than fine if it meant severing ties families for people who had committed no wrongs. The lockdowns wore on as long as the governors pleased and the CDC and WHO would tell us one thing to believe about the virus one day, and a totally different thing the next. What was scary is that despite their flip-flops, people obeyed their stories. Dr. Fauci, who many of us started slurring as Dr. Fauxci, told us it was okay to have a sexual hook-up with someone we just met on Tinder but the handshake had to die. It was sex positivism in opposition to normalcy. Queer began to be "normal" never mind that's the complete opposite of the meaning of the word "queer". People surrendered social control voluntarily. Not a shock as democracy had programmed this into our brain. This would have been unacceptable in any other society.

They told us not to gather in large masses. They told us not to see our friends or loved ones. People lost faith because our church leaders told us that we could only watch the services through the computers. Depression and mental illnesses began rocking our country. 2020 was now the year that people only died of COVID-19. Well, that's what The Woke has insisted. And they continue to insist that the only thing people die from nowadays is COVID-19 too. Unless you were weeded up from the underground. Then they tell you what the actual death cause was. They really expect us to believe this lunacy that the only deadly thing on planet Earth now is COVID-19 and them? They're on hallucinogens and our underground resistance has known this since they started taking over. They hadn't even realized we had existed until just six years ago when the first man brave enough to enter back into worldly society sounded the first battle-cry. That 10,000 seat Parliament has begun to be taken over by force by our counter-revolution and The Woke hasn't even figured it out. But things are starting to get violent again. We've neared Civil War. The first election since the battle cry was sounded resulted in a whopping 3,563 seat gain for our party. We hadn't had any power at all. Very few knew we had even existed. And yet, there we were in Parliament. The tides were sifting.

Perhaps the stamping out came in the late Spring when a man was killed in police custody. Nobody knew the motivation of the officer. Everyone knew the police department in Minneapolis was corrupt. The knee-pin lock was permitted in the Minneapolis police department for years. That's what killed the man. But everyone insisted that because of the skin colors of the men involved, racism must have been the motivation. I hadn't lived through the 1960s, that's for certain but when people compared this to the 1960s, I knew better than to fall for that. The 1960s combated racist policies. These people were starting to compare any one who stood in their way or disagreed in the slightest with their "Wokist" mentality that they were racists. A Christian group that gathered in defense of the icon of St. Louis IX was labeled as a group of white nationalists and Trump-supporters and people took that as face value. It was clearly a battle over morality and the Republicans had lost before it even started. They had never been able to levy the charge of murder at their pro-abortion opponents in Congress. Nor were they able to call the policies of their colleagues on the other side sexual perverts for their love of LGBTQ and every letter after insanity. They promoted birth control, and only cared about the drug war. No one explained what policies that existed though were racist but because that was generally accepted as immoral, no one dared challenge. Except us. And we remained thriving.

There were riots every where, statues came down, and when you called them a riot or asserted that BLM truly stood for "Burn, Loot, Murder" (which indeed, the terrorist group formally known as Black Lives Matter did change their name to!), you were pummeled and bullied by the mob. It ran rampant because no one stood up to it. But we also knew it would take a while to challenge formally. We knew we needed to strengthen our own group and so we did. We provided dissent, challenged the COVID-19 lockdown policies, rose up and defended. We knew the Presidential candidates were bad. On one side a demented neo-con taking advice from other neo-cons, and on the other side nothing more than a puppet for a Party that wouldn't even let him become President! The election was...

Here, the letter cuts off with a drop of blood covering the last thought. The counter-revolutionaries were able to preserve what was left of the letter and reproduce what was written here until that point here. The underground was able to preserve almost the entirety of the cultural tradition that The Woke had sought to destroy. The Woke were astounded by this. Eventually, the warring factions became so intense and The Woke had sought to seek dominance within itself so long, that The Woke eventually lost the Great War of 2063 in a span of less than two weeks. The former counter-revolutionaries have been in power ever since. Churches gather in mass, faith has never been stronger, we have reclaimed the universities as sources for intellectual progress. The American Republic has long since vanished. The American Monarchy flourishes.

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