Friday, June 19, 2020

Why Trump will lose in 2020...

Trump is headed toward defeat in 2020. Some of his followers and faithful voters can't see this quite clearly but he is. Trump is headed toward defeat. The thing is, Trump isn't the perfect demi-god or God-Emperor his most faithful supporters want him to be or think of him as. He's got a lot of issues. He has severe emotional problems, that's for certain. He tweets way too much for someone who's supposed to be leading a country 24/7. He has also done incredibly poor at uniting people together. Instead, he divides people. I'm not talking about the ungrateful Vandals who will never be satiated by anything he says or does. What I mean by "he divides people" is that he caves to the wrong policies and shows people what a complicit coward looks like. By doing this, he divides people. People are deceived into thinking unity means we concur with bad policy. More bad policy is brought in and left unchecked and the people in the country who wish to dissent from that bad policy are the ones marked as anathema the nationalist sentiments of the duped.

I write about religion on this blog. I write about politics on this blog. I write about my own faith and experience on this blog. I let people know my views are unpopular opinions on politics and religion. That's because they are. I don't go out and deliberately score brownie points for Republicans or Democrats. If any one reads through, you know which side I stand on. I foster strong anti-republican sentiment. I foster strong pro-monarchist sentiment. I write this blog in order to provide a dissenting opinion. This blog is meant to exist for dissenters. This blog is meant to exist, and hopefully flourish even, so that people know it's more than okay to dissent. And they can dissent publicly if they wish. That's what this blog is for. I do that frequently. I do not shy away from making extremist rhetoric either. It's fact-based extremist rhetoric but it certainly is extremist rhetoric. When we run out of dissenters in this nation, we lose valuable alternative opinions and people think that the dissenters are "backwards" and need to be stomped out because they are casting doubt on the system. This is because the dissenters create in these people a fear that they cannot and do not possess unlimited power. A fear that there is something much greater than them. Dissenters are who have power in a country. As Voltaire once said, "It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot, one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind".

And so I make this grave prediction about Trump. It is a dissenting position from those who form the core of his base and think everything he does is perfect. He will not be re-elected to the Presidency. There is no way that the direction he continues going in will lead him to be re-elected. People are seeing that he is in no condition to be able to lead a country from the cusp of darkness. Vigano's letter to President Trump may allow him to retain some of the more faithful Catholic voters out there but it won't be enough. Our country, even with four years of Trump, has increasingly been descending toward the wrong direction in the culture wars. We are seeing the final culmination of this as the current political cycle comes to a most rapid conclusion. (These things don't last! For any triumphant secularist who thinks they've won and done Christianity in for good this time, look at what happened to the Roman Empire and look at what happened to the U.S.S.R.! These are cycles, nothing permanent.) The American people are faithless and have continued to put trust in false deities. So much so that nothing is about issues any more. It's about who can be the most socially regressive, gayest fool, procure the most abortions and brag about what a slut you can be while murdering your own child. That's what it's about now. Trump is seen as the embodiment of everything that stands in the way of their libertine life-styles and as America becomes more and more faithless, they can't get him or the things they loathe out of their minds.

No. Trump won't win. And when Trump loses, the fake news media outlets will quickly swarm to spotlighting how it was his emotional instability that brought him down. It was all his Tweeting that brought him down. It was all of his trivial arguments that he had with such politicians. It was his suggestion that a pro-abortion husband of a Democratic congresswoman might be in Hell that ended his Presidency. And they'll be completely wrong about the things that ended his Presidency as they were about the things that got him elected. He didn't get elected because he was a racist. He didn't get elected because white supremacists favored him. He didn't get elected because a bunch of people decided rape was okay. If it was those things that got him elected, how did we end up with four years of Bush? How did we end up with four years of Obama? How is it that Biden could beat him? The fake news media will never be able to see things clearly because these people are liars. They lie and the Devil is their father because he is the father of lies. And a murderer who has walked on his belly from his very first sin. Nothing more.

No. It won't be his Tweeting that ends his re-election bid. It won't be his trivial arguments or his bullying tactics. It won't be his emotional stability or his demagoguery. Suffice to say, as Murray N. Rothbard already noted before, elections are simply no longer about party platforms, they are personality tests to show who has a better personality. People are already convinced of Trump one way or the other. Either they love his personality, or they like his policies so they'll choose to ignore his obvious personality faults. That's just the bottom line. As long as we run common folk in elections against each other, we get demagogues. We could end democracy by only allowing certain classes of folk to run for office but what would be the point then? Trump will not lose because of any of these reasons. And he won't even lose because his policies are unpopular. He will lose for a key reason that almost no one will see coming.

Trump will lose because he betrayed his followers. Trump will lose because his opponent predicted four years ago that he would sink in the swamp and sink in the swamp he has. Trump will lose because instead of keeping the government shutdown for an even longer period, he went ahead and signed the Democrats' spending bills and expanded the powers of the government. Trump will lose because he sat on his hands while his base protested the corona virus lockdowns and did nothing to protect their constitutional rights. Trump will lose because he paid lip service to churches and didn't actively seek legal retributions against the unconstitutional COVID-19 lockdown policies initiated by rogue governors across the nation. Trump will lose because he kept caving to the Democratic pressure and neglected to receive his funding for the wall. Trump will lose because he imported more cheap labor into the nation during a time in which we were going through a recession. Trump will lose because he continues to do nothing about the Vandals. Trump will lose because he fiddles while riots go on. Has he ever designated Anti-Fa or BLM a terrorist organization or just talked about it? He will lose because he continues to torch his base. He will lose because he celebrated the SCOTUS decision that changed the definition of basic human biology. He will lose because he spent more time trying to appease the horde of Vandals whose demonic lusts can never be satiated and he swept his own base aside. He will lose and he may just deserve to lose re-election.

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