Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Endorsement of President Donald Trump for Re-Election - Part 6, Critical Race Theory

It is asserted that an instinct teaches man to distinguish congeners from strangers and to detest the latter. Scions of noble races abominate any contact with members of lower races. To refute this statement one need only mention the fact of racial mixture. As there are in present-day Europe no pure stocks, we must conclude that between members of the various stocks which once settled in that continent there was sexual attraction and not repulsion. Millions of mulattoes and other half-breeds are living counterevidence to the assertion that there exists a natural repulsion between the various races. ... racial hatred is not a natural phenomenon in man. It is the product of ideologies. (Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, 167-168)
We've come along way since the 1960's in this country. That cannot be disputed. Yet there is a malicious ideology that is brewing throughout our academia and seeping into our society that cannot be ignored. That is the critical race theory nonsense. The premises it is based on are that white people, as a result of years and years of racism, have developed a natural hatred for other people. Of course the theory in and of itself is racist. Growing up, I was taught, as a dogma, that it is racist to make generalizations about specific groups of people based on their ethnicity or their skin color. I was not informed that it was okay to make such judgments based on white people. Critical race theory is a fundamentally flawed in a variety of ways.

Critical race theory first bases itself on the premise that man inherently holds to certain racial biases and racial hatred toward other men. That premise is false and factually countered by simply pointing out mixed marriages. That doesn't matter to the advocates of critical race theory. If you refute one point of their white privilege nonsense, they'll pull out another point to keep the argument going.

The next point critical race theory makes is that certain groups of people have been historically oppressed. This is the only true thing that critical race theory bases its claims on. Certain groups of people have been oppressed throughout history by a variety of groups. But critical race theory awards "victim points" to "more oppressed" peoples. It won't award points though to the Irish who have been oppressed and face genocide from the British. Christians get no points despite undergoing constant persecution from Islamists in the Middle East. Catholics certainly get no points despite undergoing it from the Klan, from Islam, from the Orthodox, etc. The Orthodox get no points despite facing a recent diaspora from their homeland of Russia after being brutally persecuted by atheists. But atheists will get points despite doing much oppression of historic proportions in the last century. And so will Muslims despite being oppressors ever since their parody religion activated! There are two groups of people who have never undergone oppression--atheists and Muslims. But yet atheists and Muslims get awarded points under critical race theory, Christians, Irish, Zoroastrians, Armenians? Nada...none.

Critical race theory will then fall back on the idea that it is specific institutions that are inherently racist. They will point out a history of grievances as they existed in America but then won't be able to point out any current existing racist institutions in today's world. Why is that? There are at least two racist institutions in today's world but critical race theory won't mention them. Critical race theory isn't about equal race opportunity. Planned Parenthood locations are strategically located in minority communities to provide opportunities for genocide against those communities. Margaret Sanger wasn't hiding her overt racism. Affirmative Action programs are designed to favor people of certain racial characteristics over others. Abolish these two and all racist institutions are abolished. But critical race theorists never mention those. Because the objective goal is about the numbers. "If there aren't a certain number of black people hired for this, it doesn't matter how more qualified the white folks are!" they scream. And they're in favor of abortion so why would they mention Planned Parenthood's racist origins and agenda?

They then fall back on the conspiracy that enforcing reasonable laws is "racist". So Kamala Harris will praise Jacob Blake despite the fact he was a racist. Rayshard Brooks is a martyr despite the fact that he grabbed a tazer from a police officer while intoxicated, fired it at the officer, and ran off with it while continuing to fire it. George Floyd was murdered despite the fact that what was being suffered before the police officer placed his knee on his neck was the result of a fentanyl overdose. Rand Paul though is a racist despite authoring the Breonna Taylor bill which would eliminate no-knock search warrants (maybe he should have only eliminated them for blacks and changed parties?).

Let's be blunt, there are people screaming that Trump hasn't been shot by police despite being an accused rapist. Guess what? Neither has Joe Biden! I don't know if either men are guilty. The allegations are at least 20 years old for both men, even more actually. They are unable to be corroborated. Due process in this country must presume both men's innocence until guilt is proven and guilt can't really be proven in either case. However, Harvey Weinstein had a growing and substantial list of claims made against him. He was placed under arrest and not shot. Why? It wasn't because he was white. It's because he didn't resist arrest, he didn't charge at the officers with a knife, he didn't run into his car to grab something or even drive off and maybe plow some people over in the process (yes, a police chase is classified as deadly force!). Jacob Blake did that. If you do the things Blake did, you get shot at. The media chooses to amplify things without any regard to the full events of what led up to these shootings because they want to stoke a race war.

In Joe Biden's America, you will be forced to undergo severe "racial bias training" in all areas of life starting with government. We see it in the education system already. Trump has ordered critical race theory training to be put to an end. The malicious lie that is critical race theory is already being severely halted by the Trump Administration. And that's a good thing. More work is needed to be done. Affirmative Action needs to end and Planned Parenthoods need to be removed from minority communities, but ending critical race theory training is a start.


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