Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Endorsement of President Donald Trump for Re-Election - Part 7, Lockdowns...Joe Biden Can't Handle the Coming Mental Health Crisis!

"In a totalitarian hegemonic society the only freedom that is left to the individual, because it cannot be denied to him, is the freedom to commit suicide." (Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, 280)

The rebuke to Trump's response overall to the COVID-19 scamdemic has been caked in contradictions upon contradictions. First, they said he should listen to the experts. But the experts told him not to worry so he told us not to worry and that it was nothing. Then they told him masks weren't necessary. They called him "racist" for proposing travel restrictions. Eventually, they realized it was expedient to their cause to flop around all of a sudden. What further evidence do we need that the Democratic Party's own response to COVID-19 isn't about the health of society, it's about power! Revolver actually did a study in late August which proved that the COVID-19 lockdowns have been deadlier than the virus itself.

There is a necessary balance between livelihood and health that must be taken into consideration. There is also an inherent risk factor in every day living. Because this life is not permanent, livelihood must always serve first precedence. Trump's response to the virus was in line with what his experts were saying. What the WHO was saying and what the CDC were saying. This is simply the history of the early moments of this scamdemic that we've been forced to embrace totalitarianism for. It's sick, really. Further, his critics contend that Trump is killing people on one hand by not shutting everything down, and on the other end is tanking the economy by shutting down. Either he is immoral for shutting everything down or he is immoral for refusing to do so. The DNC cannot have it both ways. People are starting to see this narrative of the DNC's is BS.

But even more deep perhaps is Trump's response to the lockdowns. One could state his opposition is only rooted in the thesis that he only cares about economic numbers, but the reality is that his opposition to them is deeply seated in a genuine care for others that the Democrats and Joe Biden lack. Trump is the only politician to mention how enforced isolation will intensify depression. How enforced isolation will lead to suicide. How the limitations of freedom will ultimately lead to suicide. Or as Mises put it, "In a totalitarian hegemonic society the only freedom that is the freedom to commit suicide." That is not an endorsement of suicide from the economic philosopher. That is a statement of the shocking reality of what totalitarianism leads to. Because totalitarianism feasts upon the individual, the individual is left with only the will of the collective brain of society. The individual has no thoughts on his own. Catholic social doctrine is not only cemented on solidarity but also on subsidarianism. The rooting out of an individual will kills the soul which leads to the only freedom being that in the freedom to self-annihilate to free oneself from the tyrannical oppression of the collective brain.

This is exactly the state we are in with these lockdowns. People have no will of their own. Their only option is to stay inside all day, occasionally go out and purchase necessary goods, and maybe work if they're an "essential worker". Barbarians get to pillage, loot, and rape, if they're doing it on behalf of the DNC. But everyone else, stay inside. There must be a balance between health and livelihood. There must be a return to the daily activities of human life that involve ongoing risks that ultimately benefit the needs of man. The cut-off of the individual is both harmful and morally impermissible.

To state this is not an approval of the numbers that have died from COVID-19. To state this is to acknowledge the reality that life is mortal. It is not ours to decide when we die. The virus is body-killing but the ongoing isolation is soul-killing. People need the necessary freedoms that are guaranteed in a legitimately free society. People need the human interaction. Joe Biden will continue these ongoing lockdowns and he will do them with a total disregard and disdain for the anthropological ethics of the Church and the anthropological ethics of the humanists. He will do them with no compassion for the mental health and well-being of the nation. He will do it acting upon the narrative that COVID-19 is the "only cause of death" when it obviously is not. People have missed vital medical appointments because of the lockdowns. People's mental health is deteriorating. Biden needs to listen to the medical health experts, not just the infectious disease experts. Joe Biden can't handle the coming mental health crisis of the re-emergence of more lockdown policies!
