Wednesday, September 2, 2020

My Endorsement of President Donald Trump for Re-Election - Part 4, The Military Industrial Complex

The war economy created in Germany in 1914 "is the first realization of a socialist society and its spirit the first active, and not merely demanding of a socialist spirit." (Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, 185)

From his campaign in 2016, President Trump has consistently vowed to withdraw troops from war-zones in the Middle East specifically. These are where our current wars are taking place. There can be no doubt that the warrior-like mentality is what fuels most the fascist and socialist spirit. As war calls for allegiances to be made and divisions to be mandated. War has united people together and it has divided people against themselves. War has generated heroism and it has generated barbarity. But a socialist empire is one that thrives on keeping perpetual wars continuing. Perpetual wars of aggression of "us vs. them". It is no surprise to find the Warlord John Kerry reflecting on the U.S. entrance into World War II as a motivation to keep the continued wars going in the Middle East. Indeed, he lost to Bush, who started the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. It is always some war the neo-cons wage as an effort to control society.

If one wants proof and further enunciation on the controlling effects of the "warrior class" on society, one need look no further than Animal Farm or 1984. The pigs were constantly at war with one farm or another and this kept the animals in check, this fueled their devotion to the pigs, and it generated complete dependence on the pigs for their survival. Oceania was also constantly at war whether it be with Eurasia or Eastasia. The goal of perpetuating wars was to keep the denizens of Oceania submissive and dependent on The Party. Any one who thinks it is fascist to not perpetuate the wars is either lying, a fascist, or is simply ignorant of history. Trump though has taken a remarkably different attitude. Sen. Rand Paul stated at the RNC,

President Trump is the first President in a generation to seek to end war rather than start one. He intends to end the war in Afghanistan. He is bringing our men and women home. Madison once wrote, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

I had even mentioned on a blog of my own that never got going that the President has had a remarkable performance, despite the severe neo-con pushback in his administration, of doing exactly this.

In addition, he has also begun withdrawal of troops from not only Syria but also from Afghanistan. Again, if you are a neo-con, you are probably in a frantic fury about this. Maybe you like dropping bombs on other countries that we’re not even technically at war with? But war is not a good thing. It is an objectively bad thing. Even if we accept the premise that a just war is morally permissible, that does not magically mark war as “sometimes” a good thing. It marks a just war as, at best, a necessary evil needed to remedy potential outbreaks of other significant moral wrongs used to oppress people. Further, there was never any evidence put forward of Assad’s guilt any way. Another significant accomplishment being the most recent is the peace talks with the Taliban.5 The war in Afghanistan has been going on nearly two decades and finally, there is evidence that the war is finally coming to an end. That is not just simply a policy accomplishment for the President, that is an accomplishment that his two predecessors failed to achieve. This, despite his own “lack of experience”. Poli-hack Blog

In the early goings of his administration, Kim Jong Un was launching nukes left and right. There was strong rhetoric but the goal was to send a defensive warning to Kim Jong Un that Trump would not allow Los Angeles to be nuked. A defensive war is permissible but not wanted. All of a sudden, Kim Jong Un had a major change of heart and agreed to meet with Trump. You haven't heard of the rhetoric any more as of that point. The administration has made recent mistakes with Iran but in the United Arab Emirates' peace treaty with Israel, Iran may become less of a problem in the future.

Trump has been a constant enemy of the neo-con establishment and by continuing to pull troops from war zones, he has taken this country tremendously in the right direction. That is the complete opposite of what a fascist leader would do. Vote for Trump if you want fewer wars. Biden's campaign is under the complete control of the military industrial complex that will continue to feed terrorist groups like the Kurds and al-Nusra.

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