Monday, August 31, 2020

My Endorsement of President Donald Trump for Re-Election - Part 3, Immigration (cont...The New Slavery of Wall Street)

What if there was a way for the mega-corporations to further stampede on the competition and assert their dominance by exploiting cheap labor? Would people support it? Would people cry foul and declare it slavery? Or would the fools just let it happen right underneath our noses? What if I said they already have been letting it happen right underneath our noses?

A common theme for the proponents of unrestricted free immigration seems to be that immigrants perform labor that Americans tend not to want to perform. Huh?!? They pick cotton, work on farms, pick the strawberries, etc. And they do it for less pay! Well that may be all well and true but...this is the exact same thing that the U.S. abolished in the 1860's! It is true, there is a new form of slavery that the Wall Street execs love. Certainly, David Koch loves it! If cheap labor is implemented, we drive costs down, save money, and food gets to people at a lower price. Hence, why he stuffs the money into the corporate shills in the Republican party. Those same corporate shills that are backing Biden.

Indeed, this is just a new form of slave importation. You shovel in the people who are in Wall Street's eyes just products for labor, you put them to work, and Wall Street saves money while making more money. Those who follow the rules are crushed while Wall Street wallows in the glory. David Koch gets to call it "libertarian-conservatism" as his allies at the CATO Institute spread article after article defending the big corporations and the unrestricted free migration process. Because these undocumented immigrants possess no social security, Wall Street can safely "un-person" them at will before they're caught, pay lower rates than the minimum wage, and nobody knows they're being scammed because they haven't learned what the minimum wage rate is.

It's true, the primary enemy in all of this is going to be fixed wage rates, fixed pricing, etc. But it was Wall Street's cartels that established these rules. Small businesses have historically been the ones most crushed by the cartels and the monopolistic rule impositions, not a single small business has ever been sustained by making Target or Walmart play by the rules. This all started with railroads, then it shifted gradually over to banks. Now we're seeing it happen all over Wall Street. So the usage of unrestricted free immigration is something that these major corporations really love. The fast food chains, the growers, the supermarkets, the elite celebrities who are looking for housekeepers, etc. As soon as there's cheap labor, they take it in and rake it in.

There are two solutions to this...
1. Enforce the rules equally - but Wall Street has the money and the means to pay the punishments, small businesses don't.
2. End the importation of slaves.

It's obvious enough that the call to end fixed wages, especially for entry-level jobs, would go a long way as well. But even still, ending the importation of slaves is a must for collective bargaining and guilds to retake the scenes again. Undermine the sources that Wall Street has and stop giving in to the shills for Wall Street.

Don't think for a minute that these Wall Street shills who fawn over Biden's "humanitarian justice" on immigration are somehow past racism. These are the people who attacked our immigrant First Lady for having bad English. These are the same people who have scammed undocumented immigrants out of hard-earned money. These are the despicable slaveholders. Corporate shills like Biden would continue the never-ending slave trade that continues underneath the masked name of "human rights".

*As I covered most of my positions on immigration in the Part 2, I don't intend to make this one too long. Just to hammer in the point of which side Wall Street is on.

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