Friday, August 7, 2020

The demonic end result of preaching toxic masculinity
This is a disturbing story of a boy who was diagnosed with ODD without any examination. ODD produces a higher rate of testosterone than normal. Hence, to counter this, estrogen was prescribed to him to counter-act the estrogen. But there is actually no scientific proof of this. The lawyer explains everything about the case and the boy was forced to receive the estrogen while in juvenile detention.

The culture that proclaims masculinity is toxic is an infectious disease spreading throughout our nation and it's a pandemic in our nation that has been breaking out for the last four years if I remember accurately. It's worse than the COVID-19 disease that's been spreading because men are the backbone to culture. It's worsened by the delusional egalitarian "Christians" who contend that women are every way the same in equality as men since God created both in his image. There is a problem with that anthropological theology. God created man and woman in his image. The man alone is not complete without the woman and the woman alone is not complete without the man. Rather than embracing the wholly complementarian nature of anthropological theology that God has ordered, the egalitarian mind-set is determined and infected with a Satanic thought to destroy and impair the relationship between men and women. It is set to teach women that she can do all things without men. But the image of God is not complete with only one gender.

Our old Archimandrite called this modernistic attack on masculinity demonic. It is demonic. It is a direct attack on the holistic nature of the imago dei. It is anthropological iconoclasm. The barbaric mentality demands that men are a problem and the problem is their inherent masculine characteristics. The solution is that men must toss away their masculinity. But the image of God is masculine and feminine. If the only good qualities are feminine qualities then we worship not God but goddess. And goddess is a demonic succubus that inhabits the worst qualities of even men. Rather than praising the genuine nature of masculinity and the quality characteristics associated with masculinity, culture has waged war against masculinity and has declared an iconoclastic crusade against the image of God.

So it is not even surprising that such a horrific, cruel and unusual punishment would come into existence in our culture in such a time. Especially in a Satanically possessed state as California. The estrogen prescribed to the man was not a medical treatment, it was a pseudo-scientific theological attack on the young man's masculinity itself. It was designed to turn him into a female. Of course, biology cannot be denied. If one is born a man, they are a man. Culture may deny reality as much as it wants. It may insist women can become men and men can become women but culture is wrong. Women are women, men are men. Transgenderism is a psychological illness, it is not a praiseworthy life-choice. The attempt to "de-man" the young man is doomed to fail but it is clear to see that culture has not waged a war against "toxic" characteristics mistakenly associated with masculinity. Culture in fact, has declared masculinity itself to be toxic. The proponents of toxic masculinity are bowing down before the genderly euphoric Baphomet deity. The goat-whore with the breasts that looks better when a sword is run through its bowels. That one.

Culture has first started its experimentation to cleans us of masculinity. This is why our culture has become increasingly over-sensitive, unintelligent, weak, savage. For it is nobility, intellect, reason, strength, and resilience that are associated with masculinity. But those must be cleansed by our crippling American culture now. Those must be removed and vanquished. Why? Because the American ethos has determined that masculinity is toxic and toxic masculinity must be defeated. But it is not masculinity that must be defeated. It is the toxic response to the noble characteristics of masculinity that must be repudiated. That is the disease. No corona virus could ever come close to the disease that has spread into our culture that would label masculinity as toxic.

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