Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sampson the Holy Unmercenary Healer, and Prayers for a Dear Friend of Mine

I read the entry from The Prologue of Ohrid every day. I turned it to an entry today and found that the entry was on Sampson, the Holy Unmercenary Healer. He would be able to heal the most incurable diseases of his time. When it was said of the Holy Emperor Justinian's physicians that he was suffering from an incurable illness, the Holy Unmercenary Healer Sampson came to him. His medicines and prayers were even more powerful than the conventional medicines of the day. If anybody could heal the Emperor, it would have to be him. Sampson did heal the Emperor Justinian. When the consensus of the physicians was that the Emperor was finished and would be beaten by this illness, Sampson healed the Emperor. The power of God acts against the better wisdom of man sometimes.

I saw on the news the other day of this building that had collapsed. The story was so disturbing that I couldn't bear to handle it. The destruction, the debris, the lives lost. All of this while these unfortunate people were sound asleep. But it made me think of a dear friend of mine. I used to not like her at all. But I realized she had showed compassion to me and turned my resentment of her into a friendship. I have given her candles to light which she has always responded to me with thankfulness. I have lit candles for her and she has responded to me with thankfulness. I remember giving a candle to her before the Divine Liturgy one day. I noticed that it had remained lit throughout and finally burned out at the very end of the Divine Liturgy when it had been lit during Orthros. This building collapse made me think of her because she had talked about very recently how her ceiling in her new home had collapsed. Fortunately, neither her nor her roommate were hurt. But seeing the news about the building that had collapsed made me think fondly of her.

I learned just last night that she had suffered a stroke late Thursday evening. I don't think of her as particularly the greatest of health for her body seems frailer than a spider web. But you wouldn't think of her as one to suffer from such an illness. We are all prone to suffer a stroke at any age and for various reasons. I'm not going to speculate the reasons here either. It was early Friday morning I saw the news of this building collapse. I'm certain people have been talking about this unfortunate situation on social media which I have been avoiding lately. But now I know why I was called to think more fondly of her. As the Apostle says, "I thank my God every time I think of you". When we think of someone, we return thanks to God and we pray for them. When we think fondly of someone, we return thanks to God for the fond memory of that person. I pray regularly for her and didn't even know why I was thinking of her so much until last night.

I talked with her brother-in-law and he said they expect a good update. She is only 32 but has done so much in the parish. At any age, we can suffer a stroke. At any age, the Lord could call us from this Earth. We shouldn't think about what tomorrow holds for we may not get a tomorrow. We should think about what today holds and how we ought to prepare ourselves for the great combat we must face after life on this Earth so that we are ready with a defense before the awesome seat of judgment. We should always be busily thinking about the day of our own judgment for it is appointed for us all to die once and then face the judgment. Preparation for death should be the only thing that is on our minds from day-to-day and what state we wish to find ourselves in upon death. It is a reminder that death can come for us all at any moment. Though she is expected a full recovery, I have known people who have suffered strokes. Sometimes their memory is fuzzy. Sometimes half their bodies shut down. Sometimes they speak with a slur afterwards. No one I know has ever "fully recovered" from a stroke though they may look as if they never suffered a stroke to others who have never met them before.

I remember what a beautiful voice she had prior to her stroke. I wonder if she will still have the same beautiful voice. Perhaps. Perhaps not. My grandmother, who suffered a stroke six years ago, was telling me today how her own singing voice is not what it once was before her stroke. My mom says she detects a slur in her voice from time to time. This may be a most devastating loss for the parish as this lady was deeply involved in the parish life. One can only wonder what a full recovery looks like. But I request prayers for this lovely friend of mine.

So it is that today is the Feast Day of the aforementioned Holy Unmercenary Healer Sampson. Sampson who cured the Emperor when it was said that his ailments were incurable. Sampson who defied the wisdom of men upon healing so many diseases and illnesses suffered by men. Sampson who trusted in the power of God over the wisdom of men. Holy Unmercenary Healer Sampson, pray for my friend that she may truly fully recover from this ailment. If not physically, fill her with the most perfect spiritual graces that she may be filled with the highest beauty of modesty and Godliness.

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