Friday, May 29, 2020

Why I endorse Jo Jorgensen for President

For starters, let me say, I'm not anti-Trump and I'm not Never-Trump either. I have always had libertarian-conservative political views. I have sided with conservatives regularly. Republicans I side with regularly too. But I am not a Republican. I have never been a Republican. I supported Obama when he first ran in 2008. I didn't vote in 2012 even though that was the first Presidential election I was able to vote in. I voted Trump in 2016. That's not because I haven't been consistent in my political views. I have been quite consistent. The policies that both Trump and Obama ran on were anti-establishment, anti-war, and focused on a clean sweep of U.S. foreign policy that has been disastrous.

I have criticized Obama numerous times over the last four years and even prior. Why? Not because I am a racist at all. As previously mentioned, I supported him in 2008. Way over McCain. I don't see things in terms of skin color as most people do nowadays. I don't think Obama's being black makes him better at being a President nor do I think a white man does a better job. Bush was in many respects worse than Obama. Both Obama and Bush turned out to be bad presidents. I didn't vote against Hillary Clinton because I am some sort of evil and malignant sexist who thinks women should be barred from power. I have worked for many women in my life. Some were worse than others. Some should not have been in power. There are some men that are like that too. But we have had many queens and empresses throughout history that have shown competence and command over their countries. And I am now endorsing Jo Jorgensen for President in 2020.

I am endorsing Jo Jorgensen for President in 2020 not because I have abandoned a conservative vision but because I embrace fully a conservative vision. Libertarians are often criticized for their libertinism. Regretfully, the Libertarian Party has turned into quite the libertine party. But the solutions sought by conservatives have been gradually shifting toward the government enforcement of political policies. The government enforcement of marriage as a sacred manner between man and woman. The government enforcement against abortion. The government enforcement that religious and conservative opinions should be respected. Etc.

There is a problem. The more the government is inflated, the easier it is for a Democrat to wickedly alter the laws and use them against conservatives the moment the party control is flipped. And that is the problem with democracy and the lack of a permanent leadership. The only thing permanent in a democracy soon becomes the government itself. The only thing leftover becomes the government. Laws become more difficult to nullify. Executive orders get flipped and flopped as party powers change and as party politics shift. The conservative utopia vanishes with the government in power.

If you look at abortion, look first at Louisiana. They haven't outlawed it but they defund the industry. They have drained the industry of so much money that abortion is effectively non-existent in the state of Louisiana. If you want to end abortion, start drawing funds away from it. If you want to defend the sanctity of marriage, put the power back into the hands of the Church. Marriage privatization freaks out the LGBTQ crowd even more than such things as DOMA. Because they know if the Church won't sanctify their marriage, they cannot receive any form of benefits. The government has gotten us into useless wars, the government has expanded the corporate sphere by putting big bucks into its chosen winners such as Planned Parenthood, Walmart, Target, and Amazon. The government has ruined marriage by nullifying its sanctity. It's not up to the government to define such sacraments. The government has intruded upon the Church, crawled into bed with the mega-corporations, and has blissfully handed out money for welfare purposes ensuring that people stay dependent on it.

If the government is the problem, the solution cannot be more of it. Take the government out of education. Take it out of the Church. Take it out of foreign countries we don't belong in. Take the government out. This is the most important thing. Trump has done many objectively good things and should be commended for them. But we need to drain the power of the government for good. He has fed the beast. He has fed the spending power of the government. He has fueled the machine. I endorse Jo Jorgensen for President.
#JoJo2020 #JoJorgensen2020

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